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Debug Helper#

Use the Debug Helper node to trigger different error types or generate random datasets to help test n8n workflows.


Define the operation by selecting the Category:

  • Do Nothing: Don't do anything.
  • Throw Error: Throw an error with the specified type and message.
  • Out Of Memory: Generate a specific memory size to simulate being out of memory.
  • Generate Random Data: Generate some random data in a selected format.

Node parameters#

The node parameters depend on the Category selected. The Do Nothing Category has no other parameters.

Throw Error#

  • Error Type: Select the type of error to throw. Choose from:
    • NodeApiError
    • NodeOperationError
    • Error
  • Error Message: Enter the error message to throw.

Out Of Memory#

The Out of Memory Category adds one parameter, the Memory Size to Generate. Enter the approximate amount of memory to generate.

Generate Random Data#

  • Data Type: Choose the type of random data you'd like to generate. Options include:
    • Address
    • Coordinates
    • Credit Card
    • Email
    • IPv4
    • IPv6
    • MAC
    • Nanoids: If you select this data type, you'll also need to enter:
      • Nanoid Alphabet: The alphabet the generator will use to generate the nanoids.
      • Nanoid Length: The length of each nanoid.
    • URL
    • User Data
    • UUID
    • Version
  • Seed: If you'd like to generate the data using a specific seed, enter it here. This ensures the data gets generated consistently. If you'd rather use random data generation, leave this field empty.
  • Number of Items to Generate: Enter the number of random items you'd like to generate.
  • Output as Single Array: Whether to generate the data as a single array (turned on) or multiple items (turned off).

Templates and examples#

Browse Debug Helper integration templates, or search all templates